In this paper, we study the use of deep Transformer translation model for the CCMT 2022 Chinese-Thai low-resource machine translation task. We first explore the experiment settings (including the number of BPE merge operations, dropout probability, embedding size, etc.) for the low-resource scenario with the 6-layer Transformer. Considering that increasing the number of layers also increases the regularization on new model parameters (dropout modules are also introduced when using more layers), we adopt the highest performance setting but increase the depth of the Transformer to 24 layers to obtain improved translation quality. Our work obtains the SOTA performance in the Chinese-to-Thai translation in the constrained evaluation.
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Error correction in automatic speech recognition (ASR) aims to correct those incorrect words in sentences generated by ASR models. Since recent ASR models usually have low word error rate (WER), to avoid affecting originally correct tokens, error correction models should only modify incorrect words, and therefore detecting incorrect words is important for error correction. Previous works on error correction either implicitly detect error words through target-source attention or CTC (connectionist temporal classification) loss, or explicitly locate specific deletion/substitution/insertion errors. However, implicit error detection does not provide clear signal about which tokens are incorrect and explicit error detection suffers from low detection accuracy. In this paper, we propose SoftCorrect with a soft error detection mechanism to avoid the limitations of both explicit and implicit error detection. Specifically, we first detect whether a token is correct or not through a probability produced by a dedicatedly designed language model, and then design a constrained CTC loss that only duplicates the detected incorrect tokens to let the decoder focus on the correction of error tokens. Compared with implicit error detection with CTC loss, SoftCorrect provides explicit signal about which words are incorrect and thus does not need to duplicate every token but only incorrect tokens; compared with explicit error detection, SoftCorrect does not detect specific deletion/substitution/insertion errors but just leaves it to CTC loss. Experiments on AISHELL-1 and Aidatatang datasets show that SoftCorrect achieves 26.1% and 9.4% CER reduction respectively, outperforming previous works by a large margin, while still enjoying fast speed of parallel generation.
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In this paper, the CONFIG algorithm, a simple and provably efficient constrained global optimization algorithm, is applied to optimize the closed-loop control performance of an unknown system with unmodeled constraints. Existing Gaussian process based closed-loop optimization methods, either can only guarantee local convergence (e.g., SafeOPT), or have no known optimality guarantee (e.g., constrained expected improvement) at all, whereas the recently introduced CONFIG algorithm has been proven to enjoy a theoretical global optimality guarantee. In this study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of CONFIG algorithm in the applications. The algorithm is first applied to an artificial numerical benchmark problem to corroborate its effectiveness. It is then applied to a classical constrained steady-state optimization problem of a continuous stirred-tank reactor. Simulation results show that our CONFIG algorithm can achieve performance competitive with the popular CEI (Constrained Expected Improvement) algorithm, which has no known optimality guarantee. As such, the CONFIG algorithm offers a new tool, with both a provable global optimality guarantee and competitive empirical performance, to optimize the closed-loop control performance for a system with soft unmodeled constraints. Last, but not least, the open-source code is available as a python package to facilitate future applications.
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有效的全球优化是一种广泛使用的方法,用于优化昂贵的黑盒功能,例如调谐参数,设计新材料等。尽管它很受欢迎,但鉴于其广泛使用,较少的关注来分析问题的固有硬度,重要的是要了解有效的全球优化算法的基本限制。在本文中,我们研究了有效的全球优化问题的最严重的复杂性,并且与现有的内核特异性结果相反,我们得出了一个统一的下限,以根据球的度量熵的指标,以实现有效的全局优化的复杂性在相应的繁殖内核希尔伯特空间〜(RKHS)中。具体而言,我们表明,如果存在确定性算法,该算法在$ t $函数评估中实现了任何函数$ f \ in s $ in s $ f \ in $ t $函数评估的次优差距,则有必要至少是$ \ omemega \ left(\ frac {\ log \ mathcal {n}(s(s(\ Mathcal {x})),4 \ epsilon,\ | \ | \ cdot \ cdot \ | _ \ iftty)} {\ log(\ frac {\ frac {r} {r} {\ epsilon {\ epsilon })}} \ right)$,其中$ \ mathcal {n}(\ cdot,\ cdot,\ cdot)$是覆盖号码,$ s $是$ 0 $ $ 0 $,RKHS中的RADIUS $ r $,并且$ s(\ mathcal {x})$是可行套装$ \ mathcal {x} $的$ s $的限制。此外,我们表明,这种下限几乎与常用平方指数核的非自适应搜索算法和具有较大平滑度参数$ \ nu $的垫子\'ern内核所获得的上限匹配,最多可替换为$ $ $ d/2 $ by $ d $和对数项$ \ log \ frac {r} {\ epsilon} $。也就是说,我们的下限对于这些内核几乎是最佳的。
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现实世界数据通常存在长尾分布。对不平衡数据的培训倾向于呈现神经网络在头部上表现良好,而尾部课程则更加差。尾班的培训实例的严重稀疏性是主要挑战,这导致培训期间的偏见分配估计。丰富的努力已经致力于改善挑战,包括数据重新采样和综合尾班的新培训实例。然而,没有先前的研究已经利用了从头课程转移到尾班的可转让知识,以校准尾舱的分布。在本文中,我们假设可以通过类似的头部级别来丰富尾部类,并提出一种名为标签感知分布校准Ladc的新型分布校准方法。 Ladc从相关的头部课程转移统计数据以推断尾部课程的分布。从校准分布的采样进一步促进重新平衡分类器。图像和文本的实验和文本长尾数据集表明,LADC显着优于现有方法。可视化还显示LADC提供更准确的分布估计。
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现代视频对象分割(VOS)算法以顺序处理顺序实现了显着高的性能,而目前目前普遍的管道仍然表现出一些显而易见的不足,如累积误差,未知的鲁棒性或缺乏适当的解释工具。在本文中,我们将半监控视频对象分割问题放入循环工作流程中,并通过半监控VOS系统的固有循环属性来找到上面的缺陷。首先,循环机制包含在标准顺序流程中的循环机制可以产生更一致的像素 - 方识的表示。依赖于起始帧中的准确参考掩码,我们表明可以减轻错误传播问题。接下来,自然地将离线循环管道扩展到在线方式的简单梯度校正模块,可以突出显示结果的高频率和详细部分,以进一步提高分割质量,同时保持可行的计算成本。同时,这种校正可以保护网络免受干扰信号产生的严重性能下降。最后,我们基于梯度校正过程开发周期有效的接收领域(周期ERF),以提供新的视角,分析特定于对象的感兴趣区域。我们对Davis16,Davis17和Youtube-Vos有挑战性的基准进行全面的比较和详细分析,表明循环机制有助于提高分割质量,提高VOS系统的稳健性,并进一步提供不同VOS算法的定性比较和解释工作。该项目的代码可以在找到
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